I promise to have this Duel up towards the end of the week. Understand that I must punish myself after this past weekend. I've consumed enough crap in the past 72 hours to bust a septic tank the size of Lake Michigan.
Friday. Sweet potatoes fries and Blue Moons at Townhouse Restaurant & Wine Bar. Innocent enough, but moonlighting at Hop Haus? Nachos, buffalo wings, and mini cheeseburgers, all washed down with one part each of Alba Scots Pine Ale and Dogfish Head.
Saturday. A morning bowl of pho courtesy of the folks at Pho 888. The night cap was a pair of Bacci's giant slices adorned with bacon, sauasge and pepperoni, dressed up with red pepper flakes and parmesan cheese. Consider this halftime because I ran out of steam here. I ate half a slice before passing out...
Sunday. Second wind. This time I pace myself by eating half a Bacci's for breakfast and another for a midafternoon snack. The day winds down and I feel like Kobe about to take over the fourth quarter. I owe Aussie a bowl of the good stuff so we head back to Pho 888. I'm there so often these days, the owner mistakenly thought I was there that morning. Needless to say, I absolutely punished that beef-noodle grand finale. I could have sanitized the bottom of the bowl with my tongue, but I felt the sudden urge to act like a lady and leave a little behind.
Monday. The encore. For lunch, some Kung Pao Chicken at Silk Road (winner of the most ironic name in the Loop). And if you did your math right, you'd realize I still had another half of Bacci's strategically rationed for dinner. I resisted the primal urge to dredge the lettuce leaves of the accompanying side salad with poppy seed dressing, rationalizing that just maybe I'd have to take a drug test in the next week.
After reading this series of unfortunate (or delicious, depending on your take) events, you must realize why at the moment I am in no condition to decide Nathan's or Vienna Beef. But rest assured, unlike the US economy, I will recover.